Tim Kennedy is a former Green Beret, Special Forces, Sniper, top 5 UFC middleweight fighter AND entrepreneur. Learn how he applies military “After Action Reviews” to his personal and business life and maximizes his time each day.
Full show notes at https://okdork.com/podcast/146
Here are my top recommendations for websites to use to GET PAID for your side hustle. Use these sites to find out WHERE your customers are and HOW you can sell them something valuable.
Full show notes at https://okdork.com/podcast/145
Everyone's doing live webinars right now and almost all are BORING and dull. I’ve been testing different tips and tricks and came up with my TOP 10 favorites. Use this checklist to run your next meeting and make it EPIC.
Full show notes at https://okdork.com/podcast/144
Times are changing FAST. People and companies need ADAPT quickly. Here are 11 ways you can start as a freelancer, entrepreneur or small business to recession proof your offering. Businesses are changing and NOW is the opportunity to take action.
Full show notes at https://okdork.com/podcast/143
The ‘Dean of Valuation’, MBA and Ph.D. Aswath Damodaran teaches finance at NYU. Learn how the markets will affect your business, market pricing vs. investing, 3 E’s of teaching, strategies and stock picks, and TONS more.
Full show notes at https://okdork.com/podcast/142